After the almost total focus on cormorants this week, I've decided to add a little more variety to today's blog. The cormorant was still around, but he was spending much of the time hiding in deep shade which gave me time to look at what else was going on.

The young pied wagtails are flourishing this year. I see them everywhere, but they look especially good over water.

There are still some young moorhens around, and I caught this one having a rest alongside an adult.

And the baby house martins are becoming ever more curious about the world beyond their nest.

Back by the pond, the heron was making an effort to reassert its position as the dominant resident, first surveying the scene from a tree…

…and later by setting itself in the shaded area on the island.

The cormorant is not, however, one to be outdone… first posing on a lookout point…

And then drying off under the shade of the island trees.

That's it for today… but I can promise something completely different tomorrow.
Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nice reflection of pied wagtails on the water :up:

  2. It's strange how both the fishing birds are a little bit sinister in their own ways! Great shots.

  3. Adele, I know what you mean. They are both faintly prehistoric in their look and demeanour.

  4. Darko, thanks. I was pleased with that (and a couple of others I got of the wagtail). They're such cute little birds.

  5. Erwin, thanks!

  6. Lovely set og photos

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