Or in the case of Roofy the fox, it's more likely to be a pigeon. These shots are terrible, but I'd only just switched the camera on and it still had the settings for photographing birds against a bright sky. Shooting into the gloom resulted in a shutter speed much too slow, hence the motion blur. The whole sequence was over in a few seconds as Roofy appeared in the garden carrying his prey, and disappeared beyond the fence to deliver an early dinner to his cubs.

This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Rabbits as well, but this is the first time I've had the camera even half ready. The woodpigeons are abundant in this area. Not sure where he hunted this one down as he suddenly appeared with it, trotted past us and out again.

  2. Your local foxes seem very partial to woodpigeons.

  3. Good catch:D I bet Roofy and his cubs had a good feed last night.

  4. After all, they are hunters…

  5. Roger B. writes:

    Great sequence!

  6. jack writes:

    great photos. i am looking at trying to get some photos of foxes myself do you have any advice?

  7. Jack, mainly it takes a great deal of patience, and of course local foxes. If they are around they may learn to tolerate your presence, but some never do. I'm struggling to photograph a fox that is in our garden daily at the moment but will not let me get anywhere near.

    If they visit your garden then small tidbits (a handful of sultanas, or an egg) may help (foxes like these and cats leave them alone), but not too much. Leave it in the same place and if it starts to disappear on a regular basis you can then sit in wait at a safe distance, and take it from there. Some foxes become tolerant, but others never do. If that's not appropriate it's a matter of finding where they are. They can be seen in fields and meadows, usually in the early morning or early evening. As with all wildlife watching, you just need to be careful not to disturb them. A long lens is useful.

  8. "A long lens is useful." 😆

    I like that one 😀

  9. Well, it is! 😀

  10. 😀

  11. Understatement…. it always works.

  12. It reminded me of a quote by US president Theodore Roosevelt:
    "Speak softly and carry a big stick."

    Don`t know why :left:

  13. The fox in a box writes:


  14. Thanks!

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