Well, jousting or rutting anyway (if cattle 'rut'). The local cattle are usually such placid beasts, so I was vaguely bemused when I saw them rushing around. I expect it of sheep, deer, and horses; but for some reason cattle running is something I can't remember seeing before (except in cowboy films). Okay, it wasn't a stampede, but it caused me to stop and watch for a while.





Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L USM IS lens.

This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Spring must be round the corner!

  2. VEry interesting behaviour!

  3. Black and white. Evil and good 😀

  4. Very cool! I wonder who won. 😀

  5. now thats something Ive never seen. Interesting stuff

  6. I'm just picturing the china shop… :p

  7. I have seen this behavior at this time of year before, usualy with cows that have been indoors for the winter and they get a bit nuts with their first taste of freedom after a long cold season.

  8. A little bit of aurochs behaviour, maybe.

  9. Darko, maybe… but which is which?

  10. Vulpes, 😆

  11. Neil, it was fascinating to watch and a timely reminder of just how heavy and strong they are.

  12. Mark, they both eventually just gave up. It must give them a bit of a headache though!

  13. Sprogger, that's an interesting observation. These have been out for a while over the winter but quite possibly are in sheds at night which might explain it. Certainly they were in playful mood.

  14. This is obvious, black is good 😆

  15. Adele, a bit of atavism creeping in. Makes sense.

  16. 😆 Reminds me of nothing so much as a football game…without a ball! 😉

  17. LOL, I can see what you mean. It's all those body swerves.

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