Well I'll get the news bit over first. There was no cormorant at the pond today. Maybe he was just hiding, but I have a feeling he's moved on to join up with the rest of his gang. All of which meant I turned the camera on some of the other local wildlife, notably this very photogenic rabbit out in the recently harvested wheat fields.

The other creature to catch my eye was a fledgling pied wagtail, which was foraging along the water's edge. These bold little birds seem to be everywhere at the moment and were due some blog space.

Nature Blog Network
Camera note: all shots taken with the Canon 7D EF 400mm f/5.6L USM lens.

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Excellent rabbit pictures :hat: Just lovely :love:

  2. We had wagtails earlier in the year, but I haven't seen one in some time. :up:

  3. Healthy-looking, curious rabbit 😀

  4. Erwin, thanks!

  5. Darko, I love it when they try to hide by standing upright and not moving!

  6. Mick, I always enjoy seeing them. Cheeky little things they are, and so active.

  7. Sami, thanks! It was one of those moments when you know that the photo will work.

  8. Adele, I think they had been harvesting that morning. The combine was up in the next field when I took this.

  9. Nice rabbit shots! Probably wondering where the shelter has gone!

  10. Nice Photos

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